Top Natural Home Remedies for Gingivitis | Natural Remedies To Treat Gum Disease


Gingivitis is known as a very popular gum-related disease. Basically, it is a mild infection from the gums. Gingivitis does not spare anyone else and people are hardly aware of this problem.

Symptoms of Gingivitis:-

Gingivitis symptoms consist of redness, irritation, swelling as well as puffiness in the gums. It can include another sign such as bad breath, receding gums, loose teeth. Gums can bleed and become tender when you just floss or brush it.

What are the symptoms of Gingivitis

Causes of Gingivitis:-

Gingivitis causes include improper oral hygiene that lets the plaque form on your teeth. As you might not know about, plaque is considered invisible and sticky, which include bacteria irritating your teeth and gums.

Another factor that can increase the chance of contracting gingivitis are excess smoking, age, tobacco usage, diabetes, crooked teeth, pregnancy, broken fillings, dry mouth or improper diets.

If gingivitis remained untreated, it can become severe and result in lots of infection-related disease such as tooth loos and periodontitis. Gingivitis can be linked with other health problem, including diabetes, lung disease and heart attack. It can increase the chance of getting premature delivery on pregnant women.

Proper oral habits like brushing the teeth two times per day, flossing each day or making dental checkups can aid effectively in treating gingivitis. Besides good oral hygiene, you had better apply some natural home remedies to help cure as well as prevent gingivitis.

Home Remedies for Gingivitis:-

  1. Salt:-

Salt is one of the most incredible home remedies for gingivitis thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. It helps cure inflamed and swollen gums. In addition, it gets rid of infection out of abscesses, hence, stopping the development of bacteria in  your mouth.

How to apply:

  • Mix a half teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water
  • Wash your mouth off with this saline solution in the morning and in the evening till your condition gets significantly improved.


  • Add a half teaspoon of salt to a little mustard oil to create a paste
  • Massage your gums by using this paste
  • Apply circular strokes in 2 minutes
  • Gargle your mouth with warm water
  • Re-apply the same process for thrice per day in a couple of days.
  1. Oil Pulling:

As you might not know about, oil pulling is an ideal treatment for gingivitis since it helps eliminate bacterial triggering gingivitis. The oil assists in reducing plaque in order to maintain the gums and keep oral healthy.

How to apply:

  • Place a teaspoon of coconut oil or sesame oil into your mouth
  • Swish it in the mouth for 20 minutes
  • Spit it out before washing your mouth off with warm water
  • Perform the same treatment every morning and then brush the teeth as usual

You should not swallow or gargle the oil.

  1. Baking Soda:-

Another top home treatment for gingivitis is baking soda. Baking soda shows its ability to neutralize the acids in your mouth, hence, easing the symptoms of gum disease and tooth decay. Additionally, it can serve well as an antiseptic so as to combat with the infection.

How to apply:

  • Add a quarter teaspoon of baking soda to a little of warm water to create a paste
  • Rub the paste over your gums
  • Wait for 3 minutes before washing it off with lukewarm water
  • Perform the same treatment for thrice per week.
  1. Aloe Vera:-

Thanks to antifungal and antibacterial properties present in aloe vera, it is beneficial for treating gingivitis. Apart from that, it helps stop the growth of bacteria causing plaque triggering gingivitis. Also, it helps alleviate the pain and then soothe your inflamed gums and teeth.

How to apply:

  • Cut an aloe vera leave to extract its pulp
  • Apply the pulp over your gums directly
  • Wait for about 10 minutes before gargle it with cold water
  • Perform the same process for several times on a daily basis until your condition can subside.
  1. Guava Leaves:-

It might sound strange, but guava leaves turn out to be one of the most perfect home remedies for gingivitis. It can give you instant relief from gum disease and toothaches thanks to its package of antimicrobial, analgesic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, guaijaverin present in its leave can work well as antiplaque effect.

How to apply:

  • Wash as well as clean some guava leaves carefully
  • Digest them and spit out
  • Perform this same process two times on a daily basis for a couple of weeks

You can opt for grinding guava leaves and apply it as a toothpaste

Or just simply use mouth rinse having guava leaf extract.

  1. Peppermint:-

Thanks to its container of antiseptic and antibacterial properties, it can act well as gingivitis treatments. Peppermint helps you ease the inflammation as well as bacteria causing bad breath.

How to apply:

  • Dip some peppermint leaves into water for half and hour
  • Wash your mouth off with this solution for thrice per day

You can have peppermint toothpaste and use it to brush the teeth two times per day


pravesh Maurya

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