Types of Savings Everyone Should Have

Types of saving Money

Everybody dreams of a financially stable future. You may have a list of aspirations, a home you want to buy, a business you want to start, a destination you want to travel to, or a comfortable retirement. However, these dreams can only be accomplished when you have enough money to back them up. This means creating a savings plan that can help you build the life you have always dreamed of without financial stress holding you back.

Saving money may not be easy but taking small and manageable steps towards it definitely helps in the long run. And one such crucial step is understanding the different types of savings everyone should have, regardless of age, income, or background. Let’s have a detailed look.

  1. Emergency savings

Emergencies can happen unexpectedly, such as a job loss, illness, or car repairs, and having money set aside can help ease the financial burden during tough times. Most financial experts recommend having a minimum of 3 to 6 months of living expenses saved in an emergency fund. For example, if your monthly expenses amount to Rs. 20,000, your emergency fund should ideally have at least Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 1,20,000. If you have an irregular income, you should aim for a higher amount.

It is recommended to open a savings account specifically for emergencies. By keeping this account separate from your regular spending or other savings goals, you ensure that the funds are readily available and less susceptible to being impulsively spent on non-emergency expenses.

  1. Retirement savings

Retirement savings is important to build a comfortable post-retirement life. There are many schemes like National Pension System (NPS) and Public Provident Fund (PPF) to invest in. Try to save and invest early to maximise the benefits of compounding and grow your money.

Consider investing in mutual funds and diversify your portfolio with equity and debt funds along with other securities to maximize your retirement savings. You can set up automatic transfers from your savings account to investment account. This way, a portion of your income goes towards retirement savings regularly without the need for manual efforts. 

Make sure you select a bank that offers user-friendly features and a seamless online savings account opening process. After that, manage your retirement savings, track your progress, and make adjustments as needed with just a few clicks.

  1. Savings for big-ticket items

Big-ticket items refer to significant purchases or expenses that may need a substantial amount of money. These can include purchasing a car, buying a house, home renovation, funding higher education, or even planning a dream vacation. 

It is advisable to open a dedicated savings account specifically for these big-ticket items. Savings account benefits like earning interest, auto debits, and convenient fund transfers make it a valuable tool for saving towards these significant expenses. 

In fact, most banks keep the documents required for bank accounts to a minimum, making it quick and hassle free to open such an account. By planning and saving specifically for these big-ticket items, you can avoid going into debt or relying on credit cards when the time comes to make big purchases. 

To conclude

Having different types of savings is crucial for a secure financial future. Emergency funds help to handle unexpected expenses, retirement savings ensure a comfortable post-work life, and savings for big purchases help you achieve different life goals. Remember, it is never too late to start saving, and even small contributions can make a significant difference over time. So, take action now and make savings a regular habit.

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Sarah Williams

Sarah Williams is a CEO and Author of one of the Top Leading Website Sggreek.com. I fond to write on Tech, Lifestyle, Business, Entertainment, Health etc.

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