Social Media somehow becomes an evil for young youth. They spend most of the time on social media, rather than with parents and friends, Facebook now a day is one of those social sites which grasp the minds of teenagers, and they are obsessed with this particular social site. The specialist thinks that teenagers were always reluctant to know that how many people like their post, how many friends request they have got, how many followed them or followed them, and what sort of view people have about them on Facebook.
This freak behavior of teens and kids towards Facebook could distort them from other precious activities like focusing on school work, extracurricular activities like sports, and from real social gatherings. The social media freaks acknowledge that they used to of checking Facebook feeds at least 100 times in 24 hours.
What Privacies Should Apply on kids?
The Focus on Real Communication:
Always guide your young children to focus on real communication rather than indulging their selves in a Facebook conversation with friends. Monitor them, on a daily basis either they are doing what you told them or they are just doing what they want to do on Facebook.
Teach Them to Make Factual Friendship:
Try to recognize them to spend their leisure time in genuine friendships, real communication, and interaction with friends and neighborhoods. Teach them that true friendship is full of fun and chunky than online friendships.
Realize Them Online Grooming is Worthless for Real World:
Parents have to achieve their kids that online World is an artificial thing, it will not guide them to understand how to judge a person, body language and how to communicate with different sort of personalities.
Buck Up Your Kids Regarding Real World:
Parents should encourage their children whenever they are passionate about other than the online world. Don’t use harsh words when they are going for online activities on Facebook. Pinpoint some topics from online Social sites like Facebook, personalities like athletes to motivate your kids to do activities other than social media.
Advise Your Children to don’t Involve in Evils of Facebook:
It’s moral duty for parents to look for their children and advice your kids to don’t go for evils that Facebook has like cyber bullying, stalking and posting of unethical content on Facebook. Warn them don’t chase someone he or she like on the social site.
Parents Always Keep an Eye on Their Kids While Online:
Make sure that you are monitoring your children while they are online on Facebook. Don’t get dodge that your kid is online for the sake of studies and research. You should have detail information regarding their each online activity even you can get help via using software or App to monitor your kid’s online motives.
Be a Friend of Your Child:
Parents should treat their kids like friends at least they will have two friends in real life. If your child is worried while watching luxury Facebook photos and activities, guide him, they are just a good piece of parts of their life. Advise your kids that if you spend more time on Facebook and watch your friends full of fun activities, it will make them depress.
Parents Should be the Role Model for Their Kids:
Parents should be the role model for their children when parents realize that their kids or getting older and sooner or later they will tend towards social media sites like Facebook, parents decisive role can protect them from the predator part of Facebook. Kids always found of their parents; they will follow their parent footsteps.
Show Interest in Your Child Interest:
If parents realize that their kids are constantly watching their smartphones or clothes or cars, it means they are worried. So, if parents take interest with their kids Facebook activities, their kids will be less worried, a CNN report shows that.
Warn Your Child Don’t Use Short Language While Using Facebook:
Tell them don’t use short language while chatting with their friends while using Facebook, because it will create a habit of writing wrong spelling, ultimately will create problems in their studies.