Be it before eating food or after visiting the washroom; washing hands is a daily ritual one can’t miss. It won’t be wrong to say that this is one of the common ways to ensure hygiene in life. However, at times, people skip washing hands.
“What can go wrong if I don’t wash my hands after touching the meat?” “What is the need for using a hand wash after a quick pee?” – These are some questions that often hover in one’s minds when they don’t wash hands. Unfortunately, such doubts only stay in the mind for 3-5 seconds, and people get back to their work, completely forgetting the side-effects of not washing the hands properly.

In this article, we aim to draw your attention to what can actually happen if you don’t wash your hands. Read on.
5 Things That Can Occur If You Don’t Wash Your Hands:
Table of Contents
You’ll Get Ill Frequently
Quite easy to guess, isn’t it? Don’t wash hands and the germs will pile up exposing you to various illnesses. All it takes is an act of stopping a sneeze and then resuming your lunch without washing the hands. From a common cold to diarrhea, such diseases can make you sick when you don’t wash your hands.
Not just this, as per some reports, not washing hands can also lead to serious infections like Hepatitis A. So, instead of exposing yourself to such diseases, why not scoop out 30 seconds from your busy routine and follow hand washing steps properly.
Food Poisoning Becomes A Potential Threat
There are plenty of things that can lead to food poisoning, and dirty hands are among the most common ones. When you eat or cook with contaminated hands, germs enter your body and begin affecting your health. This is the reason all the doctors promote handwashing with Dettol Hand Wash, especially before and after eating food.
It is seen that people who follow appropriate hand washing steps are less prone to food poisoning. Washing hands before cooking food also ensure good health for others as well.
Pink Eye Can Affect You
When even a small eye-lash can make you irritated to the next level, imagine getting pink eye every other week. How devastating that can be!
Also known as conjunctivitis, this eye infection is highly contagious and often occurs due to hand-to-eye contact. As it is common to touch eyes frequently, germs are quick to cause infection in the eye. Once you get pink eye, redness, itching and puss will begin on your eyelid. So, make a point of always washing your hands using Dettol hand wash.
You Can Infect Others
It is not just you who gets affected by dirty hands; people around you also end up struggling with infectious diseases. The vulnerability to infections is higher in infants and elder people since they have a weaker immune system. So, if you don’t wash your hands, you might affect their health directly or indirectly.
In case water and soap are not available, you can make it a habit of carrying Dettol Hand Sanitizer and cleaning your hands at regular intervals.
Nails Accumulate Dirt and Germs
Whether you have long nails or small ones, nobody wants them to be encrusted with dirt and germs lurking at the corners. This can probably make you sick and contaminate your food. This is why experts recommend people to follow the 5 proper hand washing steps that include a thorough cleansing of fingernails to avoid piling up of germs and bacteria in their hands.
The Bottom Line.
Read it all? Now you know how a small step can lead to grave results. Thus, it is extremely important to wash your hands properly with Dettol Hand wash. In addition to this, you should also understand when washing hands is necessary. We have jotted down some situations for the same. Read thoroughly and follow diligently:
- Before and after handling or preparing food
- Before and after eating food
- After using the washroom
- After sneezing or blowing your nose
- After touching an animal or animal waste
- After handling garbage
- Before and after treating injuries
- Before and after touching a wounded or ill person
- Before and after using contact lenses
- After changing diapers
Keep these in mind to ensure a healthy life!