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Best Ways to increase Product sales
- After deliberating for months on what product to sell.
- You finally find that Golden product
- You’re happy because you like them and are sure everyone else will also do
- You contact the buyer and have them shipped
Finally, the product arrives and you can’t hide your joy and excitement because you sure are going to make a huge profit from it.

Days and months pass and you’re still unable to sell off your products, in fact, you aren’t able to recoup your capital.
What happened? Is everyone’s taste different from yours? Or are you the only one in the world that likes that product?
Hmmm…. Does this sound like you?
Are you facing the same sales problem in your business?
I know you’re fed up and probably want to quit your business, before you do that, take a deep breath, relax, Grab a cup of coffee. Because this Tip am about to give you won’t only increase your sales but also save your business.
One mistake we all make when selling our product and probably the mistake you also made is to concentrate on features, not benefits. People aren’t buying your product but its benefit. It doesn’t matter how beautiful or cheap it is compared to others in the market, if they have nothing to gain from it, they simply won’t buy from you.
- To increase sales, you need to ask yourself this:
- Does your product make people happier or more successful?
- Does it make them Healthier?
- Does it Help save money and time?
- It has been confirmed that people buy products that offer the above-listed benefits.
When advertising your product to your targeted audience focus on the benefit it offers, not how beautiful or sophisticated it is. No one cares about the beauty of the product if it doesn’t add more to their life.
This is one of the most powerful tips to increase sale, Before Selling your product, you need to make some analysis by asking yourself who the targeted audience are. The nature of the product determines the category of people that will use it.
For example:
If you deal in Female shoes particularly Silhouette, these Groups of people are likely to buy:
- Females
- Age category of 20-40
- Working class( because Silhouette is expensive).
- Party Lovers.
If you advertise your product to people in this category, your sales will increase.
Making males your targeted audience in this Scenario, you’re doomed to fail. Because I haven’t seen a male that wears a silhouette. And even if they are going to buy, is probably for their wives.
In this case, you will agree with me that ladies love it when they go shopping themselves than when their husband buy products for them.
Secondly, Silhouettes are expensive, if you advertise it to the woman selling Akara down the street, she will probably take a look and just hiss. You know why? She can’t afford it.
So be strategic in the ways you sell your product. To increase sales, identify those that need it and approach them. They are more likely to buy.
Social media has transformed from what we used to know it to be. It isn’t only an avenue for chatting, Facebook and Instagram are now ‘Business Hub’. With more people on this platform, your chances of getting more buyers for your product are high.
Unfortunately, not everybody has embraced this trend. People prefer to sell products in the physical store than utilizing social media. Don’t do that if you really want to increase sales.
There is nothing wrong with you selling your product in a store, but the issue is that your customers will be limited. If they buy your product today, they won’t come back till they have exhausted it.
But with social media, you come across people who haven’t used your product before and will like to try it out. you can come across new customers every day.
One added bonus about utilizing social media is that your product gets to the right audience. Using ads and pages, your Silhouettes won’t be advertised to the women down the street selling Akara, because she won’t buy them.
Combine the offline and online method to sell your products faster.
This is one way to increase sales, it works like magic especially if you’re using it on social media.
It is natural for people to be skeptical about buying from you, it takes more than enough to earn customers trust. But when another customer who has used your product before, testifies to it benefit, they will change their mind.
They believe if it works for the other person, it will surely work for them. But when the testimonial goes against you, forget about selling to a single soul.
After selling to a customer, don’t just leave them to go like that, ask them to make a testimonial if they found your product or services to be useful.
This testimonial can be in the video, audio or written format. Video testimonials are more effective as people can judge if the person is trying to fake it or not.
For instance, if you sell beauty products, getting audio testimonials won’t work because interested buyers want to see the effect of the product on the person that used it. After posting a Before and After picture of using the product, the next thing is to kill it off with a video testimonial to convince your audience.
It is no secret that people love cheap things. The reason most people prefer some buyer to another is that it helps save their money.
Who would buy a shoe of #2,500 from you when the other person sells for #1,500? No one, not even your friends. Most times reducing the cost doesn’t necessarily increase sales. You may run at loss.
The best way to do it better is to offer a discount and in a proper way.
For example, with Christmas approaching, you can decide to offer 5% discount on shoes and bags available in your store, But with a limited time interval. The discount may apply from 15th- 24th of December.
When people see this, they will all rush to come and buy before then, because they don’t want to miss out.
This simple trick is used by many companies to sell their products fast. If it works for them, it will surely work for you too.
All these Tips aren’t make-believe or made up. It has been used countless time by people to increase sales. I guarantee that if you try it out, you will sell all your product in no time.