When you have particular business needs that you’re hiring for, it’s natural that a lot of your team members are going to begin to share some of the same abilities. However, there might also be a wealth of skills that they bring to the table that you aren’t making the most of.
It might be difficult to be as efficient as possible with all of these skills without getting to a point where you’re just drawing yourself increasingly off course, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t be at least slightly better at making use of them.
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Creative Marketing Methods
If your team members are familiar with things like video content creation or graphic design, you might want to think about how you could use these skills to improve your marketing. Now, having familiarity with them doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll be able to produce content on the same professional level that you’re thinking, but it could at least be something to work with. Even if the content produced is informal, short-form video content, that’s something that might fit very neatly alongside what’s currently popular in the marketing world.
Another consideration to make here is how you double up these jobs. If this person is already working in a marketing role where this kind of addition isn’t too far out of the imagination, it might not matter as much. However, if you’re heaping on new responsibilities, that might have to come with some sort of compensation.
Improving Your Web Design
It might be that your team has even more technical computer knowledge than that, and that could mean that they have suggestions and recommendations about how to change your website. This is valuable because of the new perspective that comes alongside it. Even if they don’t have web design skills, if your employees can take a fresh look at your website and point out what is and isn’t appealing, you have something to work with.
However, if they are also coming in with that knowledge, then you might have more specific directions that you can go in – either relating to the visuals or something more practical, such as through API management tools. There are multiple different skills that might help you to improve this space, even if that’s just an eye for visual design.
A Change of Environment
Not everyone thrives in the same situation. While you might have a classic full-time office structure, some of your employees might work more productively within that than others. That’s not something that’s the fault of the employee, and flexible working options might help them to strike a better balance. However, it could also be worth finding reasons to break up this sense of routine even further.
There won’t always be organic reasons to do so, but if you need people to take a trip somewhere to examine different potential collaborators or designs, that can add some spontaneity and zest to a day that people otherwise expect to spend inside.
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