7 More than Good Reasons to Employ VoIP Technology for Call Centers

Contemporary VoIP technology for call center operations has enabled customer support centers and call centers to play a more effective role in an organization’s operations. Call center technology, along with several other technologies, has benefitted from the upsurge in technological development. Over the past decade, the technology supporting calling businesses have reached a whole new level.

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Not just technology but the importance of calling centers have upgraded from necessary cost-centered and worthy of entry-level staffing only to important role-playing factor in revenue generation, customer satisfaction and brand differentiation. An increasing number of calling providers are jumping onto the VoIP scene to provide the most outstanding services at no additional cost.

Here are some good reasons why VoIP is the next-gen technology for calling centers:

  1. Affordability – The affordability of VoIP communication software allows even mid-size and entry-level organizations to leverage VoIP into calling system. That means organizations using VoIP calling technology can benefit from sophisticated and automated communication services without the need of spending about a fortune. Moreover, the Interactive Voice Response or IVR Services offered by VoIP providers are available for setting up apposite self-serve menus, call forwarding and automated dialing schedules.
  2. Automatic MonitoringTo meet all regulatory requirements and campaign goals, calling organizations need to consistently monitor and manage resources. This is simplified by VoIP technology, as it allows for automating both processes.
  • Complementary Services In addition to VoIP service, an organization making use of VoIP technology for call center operations benefit from mobile, video, Internet, and other services. Moreover, all these services are enjoyable at a mere fraction of the cost that calling companies otherwise pay for getting mere calling options.
  1. Easy Integration – VoIP systems enable simple integration with devices from different manufacturers. Moreover, VoIP and associated IP technologies can be redesigned, implemented, and managed by means of open-source programming languages using independent open-source platforms. This allows them to be easily integrated with automated CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems, financial software and several back- office processes and systems.
  2. Enhanced Supervisor-Agent Interaction – VoIP calling technology comes with additional inbuilt tools that allow supervisors to have better monitoring over calling agents. Calling administrators and team leads can train, assess and assist calling agents all the way.
  3. Faster Switching Another important perk of VoIP technology for call center operations is quick switching or upgrading. Several bridge technologies allow calling organizations to progressively shift from the traditional calling setup to the intricately and sophisticatedly designed VoIP calling setup.
  • No Expensive OverheadOne of the most notable perks that VoIP technology brings to the table for call centers is greatly reducing the expensive overhead, including everything from hardware acquisition to maintenance and upkeep. Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, allow for transmission of voice as well as data using the Internet. As there is no requirement of dedicated traditional telephony equipment and setup, organizations save a significant part of their expenses that they would otherwise need to spend on the equipment required by other traditional calling technologies.


Nagendra Singh, a well-known name in the SEO Industry, is also a Chief Search Strategist at SEO Corporation, the leading Indian Digital Marketing Agency. Other than being a co-founder, he also heads the Search Strategy, Research, and Execution team the agency. Nagendra Singh is dedicated to helping brands grow their web traffic and derive more revenue-oriented benefits out of it through smart SEO

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