Do you need to write a dissertation? Do not panic, we will help you! To optimize your work and avoid unnecessary stress, we deliver the key elements of this academic writing work. Anyway, if you face some unresolved difficulties, we recommend you to get research paper writing help.
Here, in 3 steps (before, during, after), how to successfully write your thesis: from the choice of subject to the defense!
- Before writing a dissertation
- The plan and the writing of the different parts
- After writing the dissertation

Table of Contents
1. Before writing a dissertation
Before writing a thesis, several points deserve your attention. What type of brief will you write? How to organize your thesis writing work? What subject should you choose for your dissertation? So many questions which it is preferable to answer beforehand, in order to ensure efficient work!
Here are the different elements of this first step:
A – The type of brief you want to write
Depending on your level and your field of study, there are several types of dissertation (research dissertation, university dissertation, end of studies dissertation, nursing TFE, etc.). The methodology for writing each type of a dissertation, but also the rules and conventions, may vary.
B – Organize the writing of a dissertation using a work calendar
A work calendar allows you to organize and plan the different stages of writing a thesis. So, you will approach this final step before graduation, in a more serene way!
C – The choice of the subject before writing a thesis
Whether it is a graduation thesis or a research thesis, the most important part remains the same: the subject. It is not easy to choose and to do so you have to ask the right questions.
2. The plan and the writing of the different parts
We are now entering the heart of the matter: writing! So that this writing work is (almost) only fun, we detail each part: plan, cover, theoretical part, practice, thanks …Here are the different elements of this second step:
A – Make a memory plan
To answer your problem, you will have to develop your arguments with logic. The plan of your memory will serve as a framework for your ideas and, properly thought out, will avoid off-topics by presenting balanced parts.
B – The structure of a thesis
The structure of memory is its skeleton, that is to say: the different parts that compose it and on which you will have to work. To make it easier for you, we give you an example of a typical structure for a brief.
C – Cover a thesis
In the same way that it is important to take care of the layout of your memory, the cover must also find the elegant and sober form that suits your discipline. Make a good impression!
D – Write the cover page of a brief
The cover page presents the information necessary for your identification and the presentation of the brief. In addition to our good advice, we provide you with a cover page template.
E- Create the summary of a thesis
The summary of your memory allows the reader to have an overview of the document. It lists all the chapters and parts, their name, as well as the page number that corresponds to them. To be sure to follow its own rules, better follow the example!
After writing the dissertation
As soon as you finish writing a thesis, new questions arise. Which layout to choose? Is my title suitable? How to prepare the defense?
Here are the different elements of this last step:
A- The choice of the final title
Finding a catchy title for a dissertation is not always easy. Fortunately, there are tips. Here are our tips for finding a catchy and appropriate title.
B- The layout of a brief
The rules for the layout of a brief are not invented. To know everything about the font, the format of the document pages, or even the page numbering, follow the guide!
C- Proofreading and correction of a thesis after writing
No matter how good your work, if your text has syntax, spelling, grammar or conjugation errors, this will discredit your words. To be sure that your work is clean and error-free, have the errors corrected before submitting the document.