Time has an amazing property to stop when we are doing something boring and unloved and fly at a speed of several hundred kilometers per second if we are having fun or need to cope with a lot of things. And when you write a dissertation, this situation is repeated. At first, time goes very slowly and you are fully confident that you will have time to do everything on time, but then there comes a day when the deadline of the final dissertation submission unexpectedly comes. We have compiled the following list of easy-to-make steps in order for you to be really effective in your doctoral dissertation writing and get rid of the stress connected with approaching deadlines.

Table of Contents
● Break Work into 3 Main Parts
For example, you may use the following plan to organize your work and set deadlines for them.
1. Pre-Writing
- Topic analysis;
- Hypothesis development;
- Selection of the object and subject of study;
- A search of previous researches on the topic;
- Analyzing scientific literature;
- The systematization of all the sources;
- Thinking through the structure;
- Breakdown of work structure into semantic parts.
2. Writing
- Write each piece of work gradually. Note! You do not need to start with the introduction and end the conclusion. You can start writing from the part that is most important here and now.
3. Post-Writing
- Proofreading;
However, if you face some difficulties with one of the subtasks and start asking “can someone write my dissertation for me?”, keep in mind that there is always a way out. You should not look for someone able to help you anymore since you are always welcome to ask our online writing service to provide you with cost-effective help.
● Avoid Those Who Steal Your Time
Stay away from the famous talkers – “time eaters” who think that time is always cheap. If you can not avoid communication, develop a strategy of behavior that will help minimize the conversation. A meeting with a friend who starts a conversation with the words: “You cannot even guess what happened to me last night” is the last thing you need, when you have to urgently finish part of the planned work on your master’s dissertation. Instead of “getting bogged down” in a verbal swamp, say: “I really appreciate your desire to share with me. But can this be done later, after I finish with a part of my Ph.D. dissertation? ” If you think out in advance what you will say and then you are unlikely to be considered rude.
● Declare War on Procrastination
Procrastination is the postponement of the planned tasks under different occasions, distraction of attention to less significant goals and stimuli. As a result, the affair “suffers” – it is delayed, done at the last moment, carelessly or not done at all. Of course, the more mature and more purposeful we become, the more we develop the ability to focus on the task, the ability to achieve long-term goals and the joy of getting the long-awaited result. But in order to work on a task like the Terminator, that is, not getting tired and not distracting, huge motivation is needed (for example, people work this way during the war, rush harvest, and the night before the deadline of the final dissertation submission).
And motivation is of two types:
- The desire to get something good for yourself or trying to avoid something bad.
That is, for maximum performance, you must either really want to achieve this specific goal (and on time) or be very “scared” by the consequences of your failure to fulfill this task.
In the case of a dissertation, the second case suits you. Remember and periodically frighten yourself with the statement that if you don’t do this, all your years of study, invested time, forces and money will be wasted! And you will no longer have a chance to fix it.
● Use Your Biorhythms Efficiently
Any person has a time when he/she works with more or less productivity. But this can serve as a weighty argument to the fact that you did not finish work on your dissertation on time. If you know at what time you can work as efficiently as possible, use this knowledge – build your work schedule so that the solution of the most important tasks falls on this period.
We wish you a successful dissertation writing and submitting, and keep in mind that there is always someone who is ready to help!