Global emissions are reaching record levels and show no sign of peaking; the United Nations noted that the last four years were the hottest ever recorded. Greta Thunberg, a climate activist, addressed world leaders at the Climate Action Summit on Monday for failing to address climate change.
Each of us can make a difference in reducing carbon emissions by taking eco-friendly steps. Let’s start by adopting greener habits in our homes! It doesn’t have to be drastic changes like living in a greenhouse to create an impact. By reading this, you are aware of the current situation of our climate and perhaps with some tips; you can make your home an energy-efficient, humble abode.

As starters, there’s plenty to do that doesn’t take up all your time or money. Read on to learn energy-saving tips you can do to make your home more eco-friendly.
- Use cloths instead of paper towels – Paper towels are used once and disposed of immediately. If you find that you are wiping your table or countertop constantly, try using a cloth, which you can rinse and use a couple of times. Of course, cloth can’t be used for all circumstances but try to use fewer paper towels. You can DIY clothes using old shirts if you are so inclined.
- Cloth napkins – Cloth napkins are the way to go without the mess; solid material feels like you are in a 5-star restaurant. To reduce noticeable stains, use a dark-colored napkin.
- Dry using a line when applicable – Line-drying apparel can not only save you money but also preserve the quality of your clothes longer. Your underclothing can also retain its shape and size.
- LED bulbs – Swap those bulbs out to LED ones from incandescent bulbs. No doubt it does cost more, but it will last more than ten years each. It is definitely worth the trade-off.
- Thrift store furniture – Before you decide to get a new piece of furniture, check out your local thrift store to find something used that is functional. That may add a vintage look to your home, plus you are giving it a new home.
- Window shades – If you are living in a home where there aren’t any curtains and blinds, add that to your list of things to buy! Without curtains and blinds, the heat and cold air from the outside can seep through the gaps, thus increasing your heat and electricity bill unknowingly.
- Wash with cold water – Try washing with cold water to preserve your clothes shape and remove unwanted stains. Using cold water saves electricity for hot water.
- Fix that tap – Leaky faucets are a total waste of water.
- Reuse water – Have a basin collecting water during rain and use it to wash your car or water your plants the next time around.
- Personal water bottle – Use a reusable water bottle so that you don’t have to purchase a pack of water bottles every time you go to the grocery store. A good bottle can last a while, saving money and the earth from plastic waste too!
- Flip power strips – When not in use, flip those power strips off. This includes your phone chargers, laptop chargers, kitchen appliances, and TVs. Unaware of our consumption, these appliances do add up significantly when it comes to energy use.
- Bring totes to shop – While grocery shopping, bring along your favorite tote bag to the store so you can reduce plastic bags. After all, they are sturdy and holds a large volume of items.
- Reuse plastic bags – If you do have plastic bags, make use out of it as trash bags instead of purchasing garbage bags
- Smart home devices – Automated lights and smart thermostats will help you save electricity when timed appropriately.
- Prepare a recycling bin – Prepare a bin so that you are more likely to recycle your glass bottles, jars, aluminum cans, and paper.
- Fill up the dishwasher – Regardless if it’s one fork or a full dishwasher, the amount of water and electricity used is going to be the same. Do yourself a favor and fill up the dishwasher before running it a full cycle.
- Low-flow showerhead – A low-flow showerhead maximizes the low pressure of water while producing a powerful spray. It’s a simple screw-on fix to your already present showerhead.
- Water heater temperature – On a warm sunny day, sometimes the water is already boiling even when the heat is low. Turn down the temperature of your water heater to use the natural hot water from the pipes.
- Thermos for hot/cold drinks – If you love making hot tea or coffee for work, get yourself an excellent reliable tumbler to retain the temperature of your beverage. Doing this can reduce paper cups, plastic lids, and straws.
- Toaster oven – Stop using your oven to toast a slice of bread. A conventional toaster oven can do the trick without heating the whole oven.
- Online bills – We get tons of bills; electricity, gas, internet, telephone providers, subscriptions, and so forth. Accessing them online will cut the use of paper and speed up the payment process.
Also Read: Ideas to Decorate Your Small Apartment within Low Budget
In 21 days, you will be making a difference and have a more eco-friendly home if you do one a day!