Supercharge Your Business in 2020 with a Comprehensive Customer Satisfaction Survey


The challenge of any business in the new decade is to stand out from the competition. With a new player springing up in every corner, offering an improved version of every product/service, how can you provide a differentiating edge to your customers?

It’s simple – hear them out.

Comprehensive Customer Satisfaction Survey
Comprehensive Customer Satisfaction Survey


Every customer has an opinion. More often than not, they are happy to give their thoughts on how things could work better for them. However, if a customer service representative is not motivated enough to hear them or to pass this information up the ladder, valuable inputs can get lost.

That’s where a customer service survey comes in.

Whether you’re a startup beginning your entrepreneurial journey or an established business, whether you work with end-users or organization-level clients, a customer service survey is an invaluable method to improve your relationship with your customers.

A service satisfaction survey designs a clear outline for quantifying the customer experience. From gauging customer’s interest in existing or new products to service satisfaction, and even the overall customer experience, the right set of customer service survey questions can help you fill in the gaps and power your business to success.


Most businesses conduct service satisfaction surveys in a cursory manner, without realizing that the answers to these have an organization-wide impact.

Some of the changes a well-designed customer service survey can effect are applicable to:

  • Product/Service – Customer satisfaction surveys can help an organization understand how to make specific changes to a product or a service, giving them the competitive edge they need.
  • Marketing – A service satisfaction survey can enable your organization to identify the organization’s strengths, and help you chart a marketing plan accordingly.
  • Customer Support – Not only does a service satisfaction survey help in overcoming service deficiencies, but it also helps the customer support team in understanding consumer behaviour and preparing them for every scenario.
  • Sales – By analyzing the answers from a service satisfaction survey, the sales team can upsell and cross-sell specific products/services that are working well for the organization.
  • Leadership – The organizational leaders can get a full picture of exactly where the brand stands in the eyes of the customer, which can further help them in making key decisions.


For all its potential, a service satisfaction survey can make any change at all only if it is tailored to your brand’s needs. A poorly designed service satisfaction survey can not only be ineffective, but detrimental to your brand image too.

This is why it is important to outsource this to a proficient customer satisfaction survey company, like Expert Callers, that employs a 360o approach to design a meaningful customer satisfaction survey.

The 360o method 

  • Survey setup – wherein a customer satisfaction survey provider understands the in-and-out of the business and the needs for a survey
  • Survey design – wherein guidelines, questions, and feedback mechanisms are drafted to maximize collections from the survey
  • Vehicle identification – wherein survey channels, ranging from telephones to online forms, are selected based on the customer presence
  • Information collection – wherein the survey is executed across the relevant channels
  • Data organization – wherein the answers are collated and organized in the required format for easy analysis
  • Analysis & reporting – wherein the survey results are analyzed, insights are obtained and reported to the relevant teams

In a nutshell, the approach is Design 🡪 Execute 🡪 Analyze 🡪 Feedback 🡪 Repeat


In his game-changing book – The Purple Cow, Seth Godin attributes the success of brands to “developing products, services, and techniques that the market will actually seek out.” The only way to understand what the market is looking for is by listening to it.

The market insights that are gained from an effective service satisfaction survey can not only help you improve upon your existing product/service, but also lead to the birth of innovation.

Our advice for the new decade – partner with the right customer satisfaction survey company, listen to your audience and innovate your brand to success.

Jason Cohen

Jason Cohen is a blogger and writer who expresses her ideas and thoughts through his writings. He loves to get engaged with the readers who are seeking for informative content on various niches over the internet. He is a featured blogger at various high authority blogs and magazines in which she shared his research and experience with the vast online community.

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